Shop Assistant
Daisy Chiware (21) 0784751909/ 0779751489
2 years’ experience serving clients, cleaning the shop, helping clients select clothes, with experience as a waitress. Ref: Sommie Mia +27813148510.
Stansilas Moyo (19) 0771809994/ 0777265844
1 year experience assisting clients, receipting, stocking, attending customer queries, and cleaning the shop. Ref: Mr Muzondo 0776952985.
Vimbikai Tome (25) 0773889338
5 years’ experience processing sales transactions, respond customer inquiries, restock shelves, assisting with visual merchandising and store layout. Refs: Mr Chinengundu +27749457210/ Mkoma Tito Investments 0777164801.
Godfrey Wandi (30) Class 2- 0783578631
7 years’ experience as a shop assistant, sales, shelving, shop orderly, receiving and dispatching stock, acting technical sales person, quotations. Refs: Veterinary Distributors Pvt 0777825628.