Gardeners and Guards

Domestics, Job Seekers
Posted 1 day ago

Willard Chatamuka (34) 0775492295/ 0715416899
2 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, cleaning cars, gutters, caretaker, basic pet care, keeping the yard tidy. Ref: M. Mubaiwa 0787045728.

Noah Makisi (45) Class 2/4 & 5- 0773441889/ 0710860310
15+ years’ experience landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, taking care of pets, cleaning cars, gutters, solar panels, school run, messenger and running all household errands. Ref: Mrs Mberi 0771255864.

Lovemore Tapfuma (58) 0773 939 455/ 0717 996 910
15 years’ experience in landscaping, gardening, cleaning offices, security and taking care of dogs; with experience using electrical and petrol machines. Refs: Securico Security Services 0772140773/ ICRC +2634790268/ Mrs. Hunt 0772307902/ Rif +972549439199.

Togarasei Dayiki (49) 0786742556/ 0713479611
13 years’ experience in landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, cleaning vehicles, water tanks and solar panels, moping external tiles, pet care, and providing housekeeping duties. Ref: Evan Savvas 0772244943.

Talkmore Jakachira (40) Class 4- 0779777623/ 0716843303
10 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, caretaker, elderly care, housekeeping duties, cleaning cars, water tanks, solar panels, pool maintenance, basic pet care. Refs: Sea Walker 0784528196/ Hellen Morris 0772247308.

Raphael Katena (34) 0774177542
8 years’ experience in landscaping, gardening, painting, housekeeping, cleaning solar panels, cars, pool maintainance, basic pet care. Refs: Erasmus 0773612138/ 027923620.

Allan Mupindu 0717501799/ 0777579473
5 years’ experience in landscaping, gardening, taking care of pets, cleaning cars, water tanks, solar panels, gutters, basic pet care, keeping the yard clean. Refs: Joseph Letus 0776795274.

David Mangachena (50) 0778843520
10 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, caretaker, cleaning cars, basic pet care, pool maintenance and keeping the yard clean. Refs: Mrs Mewpa 0772305642/ 0242253291/2.

Job Features

Job Category

Gardeners and Guards

Willard Chatamuka (34) 0775492295/ 07154168992 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, cleaning cars, gutters, caretaker, basic pet care, keeping the yard tidy. […]

Domestics, Job Seekers
Posted 1 week ago

Albert Runa (36) 0772123879/ 0713155959

12 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, caretaking, pet care (feeding, washing and walking), and cleaning cars, with experience using petrol and electric lawnmowers. Refs: J. Lamp 0772400663/ Stephen +436766003372.

Patrick Murima (26) 0714586001/ 0777707181

6 years’ experience in landscaping, gardening, taking care of livestock, caretaking, cleaning water tanks, solar panels and cars, pool maintenance, keeping the plot tidy, and pet care. Ref: Mrs. Waruza 0778944762.

Puyai Watch (54) Class 2- 0775094115/ 0715444474

14 years’ experience in landscaping, gardening, painting, pool maintenance, cleaning solar panels, household maintenance, and basic pet care. Ref: Mr. Ganda 0773288789.

Morgan Saizi (53) Class 2- 0773114760/ 0780142155

15+ years’ experience landscaping, gardening, keeping the yard tidy, pool maintenance, pet care, keeping the yard clean, driving (running all household errands), airport pick and drop, and cleaning cars. Refs: Antha 0772303273/ Mr. Dimitri 0778300960.

Chivhu Kahondo (42) 0773581558/ 0775984616

6 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, basic pet care, pool maintenance, cleaning cars, water tanks and solar panels. Refs: Victor 0785987682/ Ms. Tendai 0775696175.

Forward Makata (39) 0773616208

15+ years’ experience landscaping, gardening, basic pet care, cleaning water tanks, cars and solar panels, pool maintenance; with gardening course. Refs: Sarah 0772362764/ Mr. Murahwa 0788512786.

Zebion Kufakwemba (54) 0772623885/ 0773773388 15+ years’ experience in landscaping, gardening, taking care of pets, cleaning cars, water tanks, solar panels, gutters, pool maintenance and providing housekeeping duties. Refs: S. Brown 0772241232/ Mr. Samuels 0772245042.

Job Features

Job Category

Gardeners and Guards

Albert Runa (36) 0772123879/ 0713155959 12 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, caretaking, pet care (feeding, washing and walking), and […]

Domestics, Job Seekers
Posted 1 week ago

Shupikai Meza (49) 0773223341
20 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, keeping the yard tidy, cleaning cars, water tanks and solar panels, basic pet care; with gardening and pool maintenance certificates. Ref: Mr Nyabuta 0779390157

Stephen Nyati Sarima (48) 0779034240/ 0719550173
20 years’ experience in landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, keeping the yard tidy, cleaning cars, water tanks, solar panels and gutters, basic pet care. Refs: Mr Taringa 0771328282/ Mr Schrader 0712204950

Batsirai Tembo (41) 0772301489
12 years’ experience gardening, with exceptional landscaping skills, taking care of pets, cleaning cars, water tanks, solar panels, gutters, pool maintenance, keeping the yard tidy and basic pet care. Ref: Steve Bristow 0772919236

Tinashe Manuel (33) 0714040188
15 years’ experience in landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, cleaning, security guard, tiling, and painting. Refs Mr H. Mutimhodyo 0785 491 197/ Mrs Babele +27 815 599 181

Silverster Gono (21) 0780294501/ 0712970026
1 year experience landscaping, gardening, cleaning cars, water tanks, solar panels, basic pet care and keeping the yard tidy. Ref: Mrs Mabaya 0775272582

Nyasha Mutemaringa (29) 0778420073
3 years’ experience landscaping, vegetable gardening, caretaker, keeping the yard tidy, taking care of pets, pool maintenance and cleaning cars. Refs: Kodzero 0786679956/ Godwill 0774153446

Dennis Muchabayiwa (54) 0779709831/ 0715591636
10 years’ experience landscaping, taking care of pets (pet training), pool maintenance, cleaning cars, solar panels & water tanks, caretaker, security, plumbing and housekeeping; with security certificate. Ref: Mr Patrice 0784668046/ Munashe 0774820933

Job Features

Job Category

Gardeners and Guards

Shupikai Meza (49) 077322334120 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, keeping the yard tidy, cleaning cars, water tanks and solar […]

Domestics, Job Seekers
Posted 2 weeks ago

Banda Salumu (47) 0776057316/ 0713918982
15+ years’ experience landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, caretaker, basic pet care, cleaning gutters, cars and general household maintenance. Refs: L. Shaw 0772315342/ Mr Reitz +1941-877-0000

Trymore Tsuro (41) 0775738003/ 0719442785
10 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, caretaker, basic pet care, keeping the yard tidy, security, providing housekeeping duties; with security certificate. Ref: Christine 0774715197

Tendai Nevanji (47) 0774657735/ 0776038826
17 years’ experience landscaping, taking care of pets (German Sheppard’s) , pool maintenance, cleaning cars, solar panels & water tanks, guard; with gardening course. Ref: Kestine +491623859267

Shupikai Hodera (45) 0781836147
10+ years’ experience landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, cleaning cars, taking care of pets, cooking (English dishes) and providing housekeeping duties, private guard. Ref: Mrs Kiwa 0772906227

Simbai Kapfudzaruwa (50) Class 2- 0774762809
15+ years’ experience landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, cleaning water tanks, cares, solar panels, gutters, school run, and running all household errands, keeping the yard tidy, cooking (Italian dishes). Ref:

Belington Sadowera (34) 0778230955/ 0716774710
15 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, cleaning cars, water tanks, solar panels, gutters, basic pet care, keeping the yard tidy. Refs: Mr Cohen 0773088083/ Mr Richard 0712395182

Norman Mujaji (22) Class 4- 0771586422/ 0780683725
2 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, cleaning cars and water tanks, taking care of pets, school run and running all household errands. Refs: Mrs Jeka 0771074913/ Mr Sorie 0778904324

Livingstone Gomo (28) 0776993493/ 0777207141
3 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, keeping the yard tidy, cleaning cars, vegetable farming (tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce). Ref; Mr Sangare 0772387209

Allen Nyazondo (39) 0772591588/ 0716048770
16 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, taking care of pets, painting, pool maintenance, cleaning cars, solar panels and gutters, caretaker (office premises), security. Ref: Caroline H 0712886906

Petros Mbatakwiyo (48) 0773645657/ 0771015896
20+ years’ experience landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, cleaning cars, water tanks, solar panels, gutters, taking care of pets, keeping the yard tidy, painting. Refs: Jane 0788518018/ Nickey 07722169520

Job Features

Job Category

Gardeners and Guards

Banda Salumu (47) 0776057316/ 071391898215+ years’ experience landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, caretaker, basic pet care, cleaning gutters, cars and general […]

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