Multiple skills

Nyarai Mukondiwa (45) Class 4- 0772463399
9 years’ experience in caregiving, bed making, wound care, feeding, catheter care, preparation of ORS, setting medication; with nurse aide certificate. 8 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, basic cooking, taking care of pets and keeping the yard tidy. 6 years’ experience driving small vehicles, personal driver, school run, all messenger duties. Ref: New Makoni Medical Center (Brandon) 0715263387/ Hutano foods 0772158313.

Knight Honde (50) Class 2- 0784768646/ 0713041556
15+ years’ experience landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, taking care of pets, cleaning cars, water tanks, solar panels, gutters, keeping the yard tidy, school run, running all household errands, airport pick and drops. 10 years’ experience driving small and heavy vehicles, school bus driver, taking kids to sports, ferrying teachers to designated drop off and pick up points, all messenger duties, personal driver, school run; with valid medicals and defensive drivers certificate. Refs: Mr Swift 0772320907/ Sister Runyararo 0772966102.
Cloud Chimbundo (54) 0772107280/ 0775848000
10 years’ experience serving as an office orderly, maintaining the office premises, garden area, cleaning offices, cleaning restrooms, and preparing teas for staff; with experience using various cleaning detergents. 3 months’ experience operating earth moving machines, walk around checks, start-up checks, machine operations, loading, site conditions, compaction; with earth moving training certificates. Ref: Levy Tswatswa 0717497668.