Domestics, Job Seekers
Posted 1 week ago

Richard Kureya (50) 0773347516/ 0712098508
15+ years’ experience landscaping, gardening, providing housekeeping duties, pool maintenance, cleaning cars, solar panels, pet care; with security certificate. Ref: Mr Moyo 0775984673.

Admire Chitsere (32) Class 2- 0773402145/ 0710419336
6 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, cleaning cars, taking care of pets, shopping, school run, and keeping the yard tidy; with a defensive driver’s certificate. Ref: Mrs. Mugocha 0773604979.

Webster Maropa (43) Class 4- 0712307597
20+ years’ experience gardening, landscaping, running all household errands, pool maintenance, cleaning water tanks, gutters and cars, caretaking; with gardening certificate. Refs: N. Jaeger +1 (917) 209-6474/ Mrs Kuzak +1 (819) 588-4558.

Phillip Sanyamahumba (48) 0785038293/ 0774545410
20+ years’ experience landscaping, gardening, groundsmen, pool maintenance, cleaning cars, gutters, water tanks, pet care, keeping the yard tidy; with appreciation certificates. Refs: Mr Vincent 0775286328/ Mr Knowledhe 0773318413.

Gibson Chimoto (46) 0783883223
10 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, cleaning cars, water tanks, gutters, solar panels, pool maintenance, cleaning the tennis court, pet care. Ref: Mr Bera 0772513809.

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Gardeners and Guards

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