Job Archives
Richard Moyo (50) 0772528132
20+ years’ experience preparing English, Indian, Mexican, Italian, West African, Chinese and Zimbabwean traditional dishes, veg and ladder section. Refs: Troy Drummonds 0773833233/ Sebia 0779938938.
Job Features
Richard Moyo (50) 077252813220+ years’ experience preparing English, Indian, Mexican, Italian, West African, Chinese and Zimbabwean traditional dishes, veg and […]
Nyasha Masvosva (25) Class 2- 0779196240
3 years’ experience driving small vehicles, personal driver, school run, all messenger duties, airport pick and drops. Refs: Mr Gutsa 0771769221/ Mr Zisengwe 0774289710.
Charles Chiwanda (58) Class 4- 0772900958/ 0715517272
30 years’ experience driving small vehicles, chauffeur, banking, procurement, all messenger duties, personal driver, delivering good locally. Ref: Mr Devere 0772870144/ Mr E Jim , Director 0772928728
Job Features
Nyasha Masvosva (25) Class 2- 0779196240 3 years’ experience driving small vehicles, personal driver, school run, all messenger duties, airport […]
Daisy Chiware (21) 0784751909/ 0779751489
2 years’ experience serving clients, cleaning the shop, helping clients select clothes, with experience as a waitress. Ref: Sommie Mia +27813148510.
Stansilas Moyo (19) 0771809994/ 0777265844
1 year experience assisting clients, receipting, stocking, attending customer queries, and cleaning the shop. Ref: Mr Muzondo 0776952985.
Vimbikai Tome (25) 0773889338
5 years’ experience processing sales transactions, respond customer inquiries, restock shelves, assisting with visual merchandising and store layout. Refs: Mr Chinengundu +27749457210/ Mkoma Tito Investments 0777164801.
Godfrey Wandi (30) Class 2- 0783578631
7 years’ experience as a shop assistant, sales, shelving, shop orderly, receiving and dispatching stock, acting technical sales person, quotations. Refs: Veterinary Distributors Pvt 0777825628.
Job Features
Daisy Chiware (21) 0784751909/ 07797514892 years’ experience serving clients, cleaning the shop, helping clients select clothes, with experience as a […]
Tawana Gukuta (18) 0787072268/ 0773830736
3 months experience in caregiving, bathing, lifting the patient, feeding, wound care, oral care, toileting, charting, administering medication; with nurse aide certificates. Ref: Mr Chihata 0774169042.
Benson Chiunye (45) 0771640567
7 years’ experience in caregiving, bed making, bed turns, checking vital signs, sluicing, and administration; with a nurse aid certificate. Ref: Apolonia Chimutsa 0783895999.
Tarisai Murambiza (44) 0774959860/ 0713683184
8+ years’ experience in caregiving, wound dressing, checking vital signs, feeding, administering medication, home based care; with nurse aide, home based care and psychosocial support certificates. Refs: Mrs Zinyemba 0772906114/ Mrs Mutero 0775031909.
Victoria Tigere (52) 0716055663/ 0776202504
4 years’ experience in caregiving, looking after children with special needs, feeding, bathing, administering medication, bathing and counselling; with Diploma in child safe guarding, protection and care. Refs: Mrs Moyana 0772704161/ Mrs Kanyemba 0772440589.
Job Features
Tawana Gukuta (18) 0787072268/ 07738307363 months experience in caregiving, bathing, lifting the patient, feeding, wound care, oral care, toileting, charting, […]
Peter Munhukwaye (27) 0771433375/ 0786004585
6 months experience landscaping, gardening, cleaning cars, water tanks, gutters, keeping the yard tidy, basic pet care. Refs: Harmony Mazai 0737607887/ Mrs Moyo 0712668099.
Stephen Nyati Sarima (48) 0779034240/ 0719550173
20 years’ experience in landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, keeping the yard tidy, cleaning cars, water tanks, solar panels and gutters, and basic pet care. Refs: Mr. Taringa 0771328282/ Mr. Schrader 0712204950.
Runesu Jongani (48) 0777048644
16 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, cleaning cars, water tanks, gutters; with gardening and pool maintenance certificates. Ref: Mr Komen 0772602027.
Norman Sihambi (39) 0777558930/ 0717344954
19 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, cleaning cars, solar panels, water tanks, gutters, keeping the yard tidy, pet care. Refs: Mr Agassi 0775136517.
Farai Chihuri (27) 0784115144
3 years’ experience landscaping, gardening ( fruits and veggies), caretaker, basic pet care, delivering farm produce locally and intercity, running all errands at the farm. Refs: Mr Makonese 0772134475.
Dzingai Mwale (44) Class 4- 0779622254/ 0773201178
15+ years’ experience landscaping, gardening, taking care of pets, cleaning cars, water tanks, solar panels, gutters, pool maintenance, caretaker, housekeeping duties, running all household errands, airport pick and drops. Refs: Mr Gwaku +256784472391/ Mr Chingombe +19196338316.
William Chitani (44) Class 4- 0775709932/ 0714121034
18 years’ experience landscaping, pool maintenance, painting, plumbing, housekeeping duties, basic pet care, cleaning water tanks, cars and gutters; holds a gardening certificate. Refs: Mr Russel 0774067120/ Mrs Michael 0774175612.
Luke Chironzvi (31) Class 2- 0774969060/ 0714846534
7 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, cleaning cars, water tanks, solar panels, gutters, basic pet care, keeping the office premises clean, caretaker. Refs: Mr Saunyama 0772685457/ Mrs Sokiri 0782632403.
Tinei Katsuro (37) Class 2- 0783887287/ 0773594143
13 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, cleaning cars, water tanks, solar panels, gutters, basic pet care, keeping the yard clean. Ref: Mr Gavaza 0773240346.
Job Features
Peter Munhukwaye (27) 0771433375/ 07860045856 months experience landscaping, gardening, cleaning cars, water tanks, gutters, keeping the yard tidy, basic pet […]
Anna Phiri (28) 0785153318/ 0773749975 (Stay out)
5 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, basic cooking, keeping the yard tidy, gardening and basic pet care. Ref: Mr Mapfumo 0774151873/ 0716901606.
Martha Kabunze (56) 0782553838
10+ years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, basic cooking, bed making (safari lodge), gardening, home based care, elderly care, keeping the yard clean. Refs: Mrs Katsande 0773966960/ Mrs Chingaira 0772973751.
Lilian Masanga (28) 0782329546/ 0715878364
7 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, basic cooking, pet care, elderly care, keeping the yard clean. Ref: Mrs Ruzai 0772422405.
Jane Daka (49) 0773026035
18 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, cooking, basic baking, gardening, keeping the yard tidy, cleaning cars and basic pet care; with basic baking and cooking certificates. Refs: Mr Furk 0772188404/ Mrs Musonza 0777403180.
Evelyn Chanikwa (57) 0774639563 (part time)
15+ years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, basic cooking, keeping the yard tidy, gardening, with cleaning certificates. Ref: Mrs Musa 0772201650.
Susan Kamjao (46) 0777015450/ 0718299884
15+ years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, cooking English dishes, childminding, gardening, keeping the yard clean; with essential cookery 1 certificate. Refs: Mrs Wilson 0772333229/ Dr Sirdar 0772600903.
Evermore Ngwena (61) 0782469534 (stay out)
15+ years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, basic cooking, childminding, gardening, taking care of pets, keeping the yard clean. Ref: upon request.
Sarudzai Musanzikwa (43) 0787899661
4 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, basic cooking, keeping the yard tidy, gardening. Refs: Taryn Karamatas 0772474198/ Kenneth 0777040300.
Susan Mandikuwaza (37) 0775611964/ 0719659447 (Stay out)
10 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, cooking English dishes, basic baking, taking care of pets, keeping the yard clean. Refs: Mrs Gilbert 0774818858/ Mrs Mutidzawanda 0778444220.
Concillia Chinzvimbo (49) 0783440815
12 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, basic cooking, gardening, keeping the yard tidy, basic pet care. Ref: Mrs Mhamba 0771815593.
Orpah Takaedza (45) 0714896546/ +27679467568
16 years providing housekeeping duties, dog sitting, shopping, childminding, managing the household, house sitting, cooking English dishes, basic baking; with AU pair, nursing and elderly care certificates. Refs: Mrs Brenner +27846461258.
Dudzai Motsi (37) 0778719754
5 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, basic cooking, basic baking, gardening, basic pet care. Ref: Tal 0773469101.
Tsitsi Muhambi (42) 0715149104
10+ years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, basic cooking, basic pet care, gardening, and keeping the yard clean. Ref: Tanya +792637-83-11/
Joyce Mwaruta (65) 0777692209/ 0717872376
25+ years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, basic cooking, caretaking, elderly care, basic first aid, basic pet care. Ref: Peter Morris 0772308172/ D. Schultz 0773592605.
Willie Wadzanai (48) 0775069046/ 0715964374
3 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, basic cooking, taking care of pets, gardening, keeping the yard tidy. Refs: Linda 0778764017/ Mrs Muchabaya 0718662800.
Precious Bondera (38) 0777992355/ 0714147576
15+ years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, basic cooking, basic baking, childminding, gardening, keeping the yard tidy, taking care of pets. Refs: Mrs Chimanikire 0772329097/ Mrs Mandingaise 0716160894.
Ndaizivei Makombe (38) 0776499373
10 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, basic cooking, basic baking, gardening, keeping the yard tidy Ref: Mrs Magadza 0773404414.
Kumanikiwa Zuvarigere (38) 0775445627/ 0714507878
9 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, basic cooking, childminding, taking care of pets, gardening, keeping the yard tidy. Ref: Gilbert 0787725588.
Edzai Mambanga (45) 0774228755/ 0775647183
15 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, preparing vegetables, basic cooking, gardening, basic pet care; with cleaning certificate. Mrs Machena 0775527242.
Job Features
Anna Phiri (28) 0785153318/ 0773749975 (Stay out)5 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, basic cooking, keeping the yard tidy, gardening […]

Nyarai Mukondiwa (45) Class 4- 0772463399
9 years’ experience in caregiving, bed making, wound care, feeding, catheter care, preparation of ORS, setting medication; with nurse aide certificate. 8 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, basic cooking, taking care of pets and keeping the yard tidy. 6 years’ experience driving small vehicles, personal driver, school run, all messenger duties. Ref: New Makoni Medical Center (Brandon) 0715263387/ Hutano foods 0772158313.

Knight Honde (50) Class 2- 0784768646/ 0713041556
15+ years’ experience landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, taking care of pets, cleaning cars, water tanks, solar panels, gutters, keeping the yard tidy, school run, running all household errands, airport pick and drops. 10 years’ experience driving small and heavy vehicles, school bus driver, taking kids to sports, ferrying teachers to designated drop off and pick up points, all messenger duties, personal driver, school run; with valid medicals and defensive drivers certificate. Refs: Mr Swift 0772320907/ Sister Runyararo 0772966102.
Cloud Chimbundo (54) 0772107280/ 0775848000
10 years’ experience serving as an office orderly, maintaining the office premises, garden area, cleaning offices, cleaning restrooms, and preparing teas for staff; with experience using various cleaning detergents. 3 months’ experience operating earth moving machines, walk around checks, start-up checks, machine operations, loading, site conditions, compaction; with earth moving training certificates. Ref: Levy Tswatswa 0717497668.
Job Features
Nyarai Mukondiwa (45) Class 4- 07724633999 years’ experience in caregiving, bed making, wound care, feeding, catheter care, preparation of ORS, […]
Willard Chatamuka (34) 0775492295/ 0715416899
2 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, cleaning cars, gutters, caretaker, basic pet care, keeping the yard tidy. Ref: M. Mubaiwa 0787045728.
Noah Makisi (45) Class 2/4 & 5- 0773441889/ 0710860310
15+ years’ experience landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, taking care of pets, cleaning cars, gutters, solar panels, school run, messenger and running all household errands. Ref: Mrs Mberi 0771255864.
Lovemore Tapfuma (58) 0773 939 455/ 0717 996 910
15 years’ experience in landscaping, gardening, cleaning offices, security and taking care of dogs; with experience using electrical and petrol machines. Refs: Securico Security Services 0772140773/ ICRC +2634790268/ Mrs. Hunt 0772307902/ Rif +972549439199.
Togarasei Dayiki (49) 0786742556/ 0713479611
13 years’ experience in landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, cleaning vehicles, water tanks and solar panels, moping external tiles, pet care, and providing housekeeping duties. Ref: Evan Savvas 0772244943.
Talkmore Jakachira (40) Class 4- 0779777623/ 0716843303
10 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, caretaker, elderly care, housekeeping duties, cleaning cars, water tanks, solar panels, pool maintenance, basic pet care. Refs: Sea Walker 0784528196/ Hellen Morris 0772247308.
Raphael Katena (34) 0774177542
8 years’ experience in landscaping, gardening, painting, housekeeping, cleaning solar panels, cars, pool maintainance, basic pet care. Refs: Erasmus 0773612138/ 027923620.
Allan Mupindu 0717501799/ 0777579473
5 years’ experience in landscaping, gardening, taking care of pets, cleaning cars, water tanks, solar panels, gutters, basic pet care, keeping the yard clean. Refs: Joseph Letus 0776795274.
David Mangachena (50) 0778843520
10 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, caretaker, cleaning cars, basic pet care, pool maintenance and keeping the yard clean. Refs: Mrs Mewpa 0772305642/ 0242253291/2.
Job Features
Willard Chatamuka (34) 0775492295/ 07154168992 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, cleaning cars, gutters, caretaker, basic pet care, keeping the yard tidy. […]
Patricia Padzinza (42) 0774214057
8 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, basic cooking, gardening, basic pet care, and keeping the yard tidy; with childminding and cleaning certificates. Ref: Plaxedice 0775201212/ Tatenda +27617631497.
Fortunate James (37) 0771728682/ 0773173644
15+ years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, basic cooking, childminding, taking care of pets and keeping the yard tidy. Refs: N. Moore 0772316030 | Mrs. Magodora 0716800231.
Sandra Muchengiwa (30) 0775426445/ 0714848926
3 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, cooking English and traditional dishes, childminding, basic pet care, bed making; with housekeeping course. Refs: Mrs Betty 0773221894/ Mr Lock 0772572778.
Rutendo Rwambiwa (41) 0713114137 0773977941
10 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, cooking English and traditional dishes, childminding, bed making, basic pet care; with Community based healthcare certificate. Ref: Denise Fox 0772315388.
Patricia Sande (50) 0775711662
3 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, basic cooking, childminding, keeping the yard tidy, basic pet care. Ref: Mrs Mikiri 0786286369.
Onai Ganyire (41) 0777290991 (part time)
5 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, basic cooking, keeping the yard tidy, basic pet care. Ref: Leann 0785517019.
Ronica Kakono (33) 0782604068
10 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, basic cooking, running all household errands (shopping), basic pet care, keeping the yard clean; with cleaning course. Refs: Regina Muzira 0775848444.
Lizzy Kanyama (34) 0786640941
3 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, cooking English dishes, bed making, keeping the yard tidy, basic pet care. Refs: Mrs Thom 0773266857/ Mrs Kanyama 0776128284.
Nommah Mutefura (35) 0718086717/ 0778290846
14 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding (going with the kids out for various activities), serving guest, basic pet care, keeping the yard tidy; with childminding, cleaning and hospitality certificates. Refs: Mrs Mushore 0773469214/ Mrs Chin’ono 0774031800.
Girlie Sibanda (30) 0771670479
3 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, basic cooking, keeping the yard tidy. Refs: C. Mpofu 0714247565.
Hilda Kangoni (50) 0771917339/ 0718465140
10 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, cooking and preparing Indian Cuisine, elderly care, childminding and keeping the yard tidy. Refs: 0774798718.
Siliza Matenderuke (54) 0773754148
15 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, dusting, vacuuming, mopping and sanitizing surfaces, linen management including washing, drying, ironing and folding. Refs: Mr Carter +27828792839/ Miss DeChabby 0772906064.
Ranganai Tracy Chiwaridzo (56) 0785469268
20+ years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, cooking English and Arab dishes, basic cooking, and taking care of pets. Refs: Hussein +96550266222/ Mrs. Nyangaira 0713097320.
Theolyn Shamuyarira (27) 0782924464
3 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, basic cooking, childminding (assisting kids with school work and going with kids to various sporting and outdoor events; with nurse aide certificate. Ref: Paula Mattock 0772231838.
Job Features
Patricia Padzinza (42) 07742140578 years’ experience providing housekeeping duties, childminding, basic cooking, gardening, basic pet care, and keeping the yard […]
Chido Robson (23) 0716362878
2 years’ experience serving as a shop assistant, receipting, cleaning the shop, shelving, stock take and handling customer queries. Ref: T. Musangazi 0772848583.
Anesu Mukura (24) 0779393524
2 years’ experience serving as a shop assistant, sales, merchandising, upselling, cleaning the shop, handling complaints, stocking, and customer service. Ref: Farisi Manjolo 0771306246.
Obriel Chitate (20) 0710424262/ 0782018598 1 and a half years’ experience assisting clients, compiling total sales, cleaning the shop, receipting, stocking, and handling queries, and shelving. Refs: Mr. Mapuranga 0718531099
Job Features
Chido Robson (23) 0716362878 2 years’ experience serving as a shop assistant, receipting, cleaning the shop, shelving, stock take and […]
Culinary student with a passion for cooking, specialising in professional cookery and pastry work. Completed a month-long internship at Rainbow Tours, gaining valuable kitchen experience. Skilled in serving and team collaboration. Committed to continuous learning and skill development in the culinary arts. Contact: 0717096825/0787881740
Culinary student with a passion for cooking, specialising in professional cookery and pastry work. Completed a month-long internship at Rainbow […]
Brighton Kamoto (24) Class 2- 0787442266 5 years’ experience operating small and heavy vehicles, operating machinery (earth moving machines), and delivering furniture locally, to shops and homes. Ref: Mr. Tembo 0775910261
Brighton Kamoto (24) Class 2- 0787442266 5 years’ experience operating small and heavy vehicles, operating machinery (earth moving machines), and […]
Gina Chingara (21) 0773218090 2 years’ experience serving as a cashier, arranging shelves, assisting clients, cleaning the shop, stock take, stock receive, assistant manager, counting and reconciling cash at the start and end of shifts. Ref: Mrs. Munyarari 0775003097
Job Features
Gina Chingara (21) 0773218090 2 years’ experience serving as a cashier, arranging shelves, assisting clients, cleaning the shop, stock take, […]
Dedicated and ambitious Graduate Trainee seeking a Public Relations role. Gained valuable experience in mediation, conflict resolution, and project management through various company assignments. Developed strong skills in public relations, leadership, and event planning. Eager to apply knowledge and skills in a dynamic organization. Contact: 0779393524. Dedicated Actuarial Science Graduate with strong analytical and problem-solving skills, proficient in statistical modelling, data analysis, and risk assessment. Skilled in using tools like Excel, R, and Python to evaluate complex financial risks. Demonstrates a solid foundation in mathematics, finance, and insurance principles. Adept at working collaboratively and independently to meet project deadlines. Committed to pursuing professional actuarial certifications and contributing to data-driven decision-making in the financial and insurance sectors. Contact me on 0718952866.the
Job Features
Dedicated and ambitious Graduate Trainee seeking a Public Relations role. Gained valuable experience in mediation, conflict resolution, and project management […]
Small Cafe seeking pastry chefs and bakers in Harare. Email CV to
Small Cafe seeking pastry chefs and bakers in Harare. Email CV to