Gardeners and Guards
Shupikai Meza (49) 0773223341
20 years’ experience landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, keeping the yard tidy, cleaning cars, water tanks and solar panels, basic pet care; with gardening and pool maintenance certificates. Ref: Mr Nyabuta 0779390157
Stephen Nyati Sarima (48) 0779034240/ 0719550173
20 years’ experience in landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, keeping the yard tidy, cleaning cars, water tanks, solar panels and gutters, basic pet care. Refs: Mr Taringa 0771328282/ Mr Schrader 0712204950
Batsirai Tembo (41) 0772301489
12 years’ experience gardening, with exceptional landscaping skills, taking care of pets, cleaning cars, water tanks, solar panels, gutters, pool maintenance, keeping the yard tidy and basic pet care. Ref: Steve Bristow 0772919236
Tinashe Manuel (33) 0714040188
15 years’ experience in landscaping, gardening, pool maintenance, cleaning, security guard, tiling, and painting. Refs Mr H. Mutimhodyo 0785 491 197/ Mrs Babele +27 815 599 181
Silverster Gono (21) 0780294501/ 0712970026
1 year experience landscaping, gardening, cleaning cars, water tanks, solar panels, basic pet care and keeping the yard tidy. Ref: Mrs Mabaya 0775272582
Nyasha Mutemaringa (29) 0778420073
3 years’ experience landscaping, vegetable gardening, caretaker, keeping the yard tidy, taking care of pets, pool maintenance and cleaning cars. Refs: Kodzero 0786679956/ Godwill 0774153446
Dennis Muchabayiwa (54) 0779709831/ 0715591636
10 years’ experience landscaping, taking care of pets (pet training), pool maintenance, cleaning cars, solar panels & water tanks, caretaker, security, plumbing and housekeeping; with security certificate. Ref: Mr Patrice 0784668046/ Munashe 0774820933